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7. Use Agency Staff as Roving Ambassadors at Agency Events.


“Sometimes having events on a week night is better than doing it on the weekends, because people have more than one job.”

man_and_woman_w_clipboard_at_event_DSC_0057_72pix.jpgAnother good way to connect with families is to have an agency staff person circulate at health fairs and ask parents if they are interested in information about health insurance for their children. This is especially effective when done in community or neighborhood centers setting that residents consider safe places, with trusted staff. Also consider using roving staff to connect with families at community festivals, food closets, movie night at the park or holiday celebrations. Information referral cards can be filled out on the spot, and families can be contacted later for follow-up by a CAA. (For more information about referral cards, see Activity # 6.)

Success Tip: Use bilingual staff as roving ambassadors, and match the language with the event attendees.

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