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San Diego County’s Efficient Fleet

Case Story

San Diego County is turning to fuel-efficient vehicles to help save money
and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, from 2010 to 2011, the greenhouse gas emissions from San Diego County’s fleet declined from 28,659 to 27,758 metric tons even though vehicle miles traveled actually increased as the county employees gained additional responsibilities because of health care reform and realignment.

The county is replacing six cylinder vehicles with more efficient four cylinder vehicles, while also integrating a variety of hybrid fuel model vehicles into its fleet. The county estimates that the use of these more fuel-efficient vehicles saved the county an estimated $1 million in fuel costs in 2011 alone.

In addition to integrating fuel efficient vehicles into its fleet, the county is
working to reduce vehicle miles traveled by county employees through its “County Without Walls” program. The program uses technology to encourage employees to complete work assignments from remote worksites instead of driving back to the office to submit paper reports.

The county also has increased remote meetings and teleconferencing opportunities as a way to reduce travel.

Cost Savings = Approximately $1 million

Greenhouse Gas Reduction = 901 metric tons

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