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1. Place Information Brochures or Flyers at Agency Buildings.


“The simpler the flyer is, the more likely it will grab people. We don’t weigh it down with anything other than who, what, where, when.”

“Having flyers at our parks and our community center was extremely helpful.”

“Don’t put high school-level language in flyers. Use third- or fourth-grade language. The flyer language should be as simple as possible.”

resources__young_latino_mom__baby_DSC_0035.JPGThis is the simplest way to get information about affordable children’s health insurance to parents. Sample brochures and flyers are available on the Online Resource Center for agencies to use for their projects. The brochures and flyers include information about who may be eligible for no- or low-cost health insurance, what is covered, how to learn if a child is eligible and where to go for more information.

They can be adapted for use by agencies, including adding the agency’s logo and other locally specific information. It’s helpful to give agency staff a brief overview of the health insurance opportunities so that they can answer basic questions from interested families.

The brochure or flyer can either direct the family to a statewide 800 number sponsored by the State of California Department agency that administers the Healthy Families Program (the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board – also known as MRMIB) or a local non-profit or agency staff person who can assist with follow-up (see Activity 6).

Success Tip: Many families do not know that their children are eligible for no- or low-cost health insurance. Getting the word out to families is essential to making sure eligible children get enrolled.

Success Tip: Brochures are best placed at locations where parents regularly visit, such as neighborhood recreation or community centers, libraries, swimming pools and welfare or social services offices.

Consider putting brochures in other local agency locations where parents of potentially eligible children might be contacted. These may include agency offices where individuals obtain permits or licenses to drive a taxi or limousine, in the utility bills of people who signed up for reduced water or energy rates, senior centers where grandparents of potentially eligible children congregate, fire stations promoting fire safety, or locations where families sign up for food stamps or other social services. It may also be helpful to provide public safety staff with brochures and referral flyers to give to families of potentially eligible children.

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