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6. Assign an Agency Staff Member to Become a Certified Application Assistant.


Becoming a Certified Application Assistant (CAA) is a relatively easy task – an online training process is available to simplify the process. In addition, some Children’s Health Initiatives or other groups offer workshops to train CAAs.

Having a CAA on staff givresources__CAA_and_family_DSC_0017_0.JPGes your agency the flexibility to offer direct application assistance to families, which is a helpful service to the community. Having a CAA on staff is a relatively easy service that agencies can provide for families.

Success Tip: Don’t keep it a secret. Make sure people in your agency know that a CAA is on staff and available to help families. Consider inviting the visit senior centers and libraries to answer questions and assist families.

Success Tip: Consider having a bilingual CAA staff member at your agency, especially if the families you wish to reach are predominantly non-English speaking.

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