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Climate Adaptation Resources – Developing Strategies


The second phase of developing adaptation strategies in your community, according to the California Adaptation Planning Guide, includes: prioritizing adapting needs, identifying strategies, prioritizing strategies and then phasing in implementation. Use the resources featured here to help identify and evaluate potential strategies to pursue.


Climate Change and Public Health: An Overview for Local Officials

This paper looks at the relationship between climate change and public health and provides strategies to consider to meet the potential public health impacts of climate change.


Lessons Learned on Climate Adaptation from the Local Leaders Adaptation Initative
Center for Clean Air Policy, February 2011

This report summarizes the main findings on advancing local climate adaptation, discovered over the course of the Center for Clean Air Policy’s Urban Leaders Adaptation Initiative.  The partnership with government leaders from ten cities and counties served to empower local communities to develop and implement climate resilient strategies.


The Value of Green Infrastructure for Urban Climate Adaptation
Center for Clean Air Policy, 2011

This report by the Center for Clean Air Policy uses real local projects to compare the economic costs and benefits of green infrastructure to traditional ‘grey’ infrastructure.  Green infrastructure approaches such as green roofs, urban forestry, and water conservation can help local governments build adaptive capacity. 


Creating Private Markets for Green Stormwater Infrastructure
NatLab, February 2013

Perceiving the opportunity to create markets well-suited to green infrastructure — National Resource Defense Council (NRDC), the Nature Conservancy and EKO Asset Management Partners joined forces to create “NatLab,” the Natural Infrastructure Finance Laboratory. NatLab conducted its first pilot in Philadelphia, a city that over the next 25 years plans to transform at least 9,654 impervious acres into “greened acres” that capture runoff onsite.

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