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Alameda Military Base Reused for Infill Projects


Alameda_before_0.gifThe Community Before

The City of Alameda was once home to the huge Alameda Naval Weapons Station, a U.S. military base decommissioned in the late 1990s.

When the military left this island city, it not only left an empty base behind, but empty housing and industrial buildings as well. The 87-acre site of the Bayport Project was once a collection of worn buildings – mostly housing – for military personnel and their families.

The Community Now Alameda_after.gif

The Bayport residential project will represent the largest new addition of housing for Bay Area residents in Alameda. Twenty-five percent of the homes will be affordable. Alameda has committed $4 million to the project. Some of the homes will share a community center with a computer room and outdoor recreation area. The first 12 town home duets are in escrow with qualified households and the remaining homes will be built and sold or rented during the next three years. The project also includes a new elementary school and community park.


The Project Involved:

  • Providing 586 new homes in a built-out community including:
  • ­58 three-bedroom town homes for sale to moderate-income families
  • 91 apartments for rent to very-low and low-income individuals and families (up to 60 percent of area median income)
  • Constructing an elementary school and community park


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