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Riverside Tree Program Grows

Case Story

The City of Riverside launched the “Tree Power Program” in 2001 to increase its urban forest and help its residents save electricity and money. Well-placed trees not only provide shade that can reduce cooling costs by as much as 30 percent17, they also remove air pollution and absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Through the Tree Power Program, the city offered one free shade tree per year to residents, and a $25 rebate per tree for the purchase of up to five more.

Riverside residents planted more than 100,000 trees during the first ten years of the program which resulted in over $500,000 of direct economic investment in local nurseries. It is estimated that activities associated with the Tree Power Program account for a decrease of 16.2 million kilowatt hours of electricity and 9,160 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions each year.

Trees Planted: 102,768

Energy Savings: 16.2 million kilowatt hours

Greenhouse Gas Reduction: 9,160 metric tons 

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